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My Ultimate Self

So what does becoming 'My Ultimate Self' mean and look like?

I will help you find the root cause of your emotions & behaviours and then work to rewire your mindset. Rapid Transformational Therapy helps access your subconscious mind, it's basically like a filing system. We look way back at the root cause and implement changes that work for you and your bright future ahead. 

Are ready to change your life? We can work together to release and eradicate these imprinted beliefs, change them around and free you to discover the real you, the amazing person you were born to be.



Self Esteem






Money Blocks

Achieving goals

Public speaking


Pain control



Hearing/sight issues

Panic attacks

Weight issues

RTT has successfully helped thousands of people with issues such as:

Is this you?


If you find you are anxious, depressed, feeling lost, have a lack of confidence or have low self-esteem, then Rapid Transformational Therapy can resolve and help you.  


Maybe you feel you have stagnated in your job, afraid of public speaking, or are feeling overwhelmed with life. You may have physical issues, weight problems or have an addiction.

Are you finding that, no matter what you do, you cannot increase your income, you are stuck are overlooked for that promotion that you know you can do equally as well if not better than those being chosen over you, making you feel invisible, not good enough and hurt which diminishes confidence and self-esteem?

Do you put everybody else before yourself, believing everyone is more entitled than you are?

Have you suffered physical, emotional or sexual abuse which leaves you feeling you that there is something wrong with you,  living with the pain, guilt and sense of hopelessness that very few see?

If you are ready to change your life we can work together to release and eradicate these imprinted beliefs, replace with new positive beliefs, freeing you, enabling you to become the amazing person you were born to be.

How it works:


I offer a variety of ways in which we can work together so that it is the right solution for you.

I will put you into a very relaxed state of hypnosis from which you can come out of at any time you wish.  You are in total control and will remember everything afterwards.  We will visit the scenes in your life where you took on the beliefs, which have created your life today.

We will work through these scenes enabling you to look at them with an adult perspective and to understand the meanings you took on in the past.  I will give you suggestions which will enable your mind to take on new positive helpful supportive beliefs about yourself enabling you to lead the life you envisage for yourself.

The mind learns by repetition and by listening to your personalised recording every day you are programming into yourself the habits of thought which will promote the habits of action to achieve success.

This is why RTT is so successful and enables you to transform your life.

Some examples of the types of programmes I offer are below. 


3 Week Programme:

20-minute discovery call; 

Hypnotherapy session  (approximately 2.5 hours);  

A personal recording which you listen to for at least 21 days;  

progress follow up calls or e-mails each week for 3 weeks

3 Month Programme:

20-minute discovery call;

3 Hypnotherapy sessions;

  3 personal recordings to be listened to for at least 21 days;

    progress follow up calls and/or emails for 3 months

Every way you work with me will always include email & phone support. However, the success of this programme is very much dependant on you as well. It's imperative that the recordings be listened to for a minimum of 21 days to allow for new neuro pathways to be established.  

Programmes & the offer of support you receive varies depending on your circumstances. After the initial discovery call, I can give you a clear indication of what I think would be best suited for you and then let you know pricing. The pricing will be explained in the discovery call, it is not possible to set a definite price structure until we have communicated and your needs are understood - we need to understand and discuss what is involved and what you wish to implement.  Any questions you may have will be answered candidly.


For pricing information please message me or book in a discovery call. 

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